Drying off your does (Drying off means to stop your doe from making milk)
The best way to dry your goat is to start reducing her energy intake, if you are feeding Lucerne take it away and supplement with grass or straw at least 2 weeks before the dry off date. If she is a very high yielding goat I have found that by milking her every second day also decreases milk. Never take her water away. In this way the milk should reduce rapidly and be at a level where you can just stop milking. If the goat has a history of mastitis it is a good idea to milk her out completely, sterilize the teat tip with surgical spirits and insert a dry cow antibiotic as prescribed by your veterinarian.
A vaccine is a product that contains a dead or a live weakened disease – causing organism or toxic substance. When the product is administered to the animal, the animal will build up a resistance or antibodies against that specific organism or toxin. The immunised animal is then protected against the organism (disease) or poisonous substance when exposed to it.
An inactivated vaccine (or DEAD vaccine) consists of virus particles, bacteria, or other pathogens which are grown in culture and then killed using a method such as heat or formaldehyde.
It is always a good idea to discuss a vaccination program with your veterinarian.
Remember that when you use a dead vaccine a booster shot must be given 4-6 weeks later.
Vaccinate your does 8-6 weeks before kidding with a multi vaccine like Multivax P or Multivax P plus, it will immunise your does and supply anti bodies to the kids against your Clostridiums (pulpy kidney, blood gut, tetanus etc.) blood as well as Pasteurella
The vaccination will not only protect the doe against the disease/organism, but also the kid, because the anti-bodies will be secreted in the colostrum. That is why it is so important that the kid consumes at least 500ml of colostrum in the first 24 hours.
All does old and young 8 weeks before kidding and booster shot 4 weeks later
I don’t believe in dosing, just for the sake of dosing. Either send faecal samples to a laboratory for analysis or make use of the FAMACHA method where you individually inspect each animal’s eye membrane and then dose accordingly.
Eye to eye: diagnosing internal parasites
Looking into a sheep's eyes does not appear to offer much to a veterinary surgeon or a farmer. So why are more and more farmers, vets and animal health workers doing precisely this? Surprisingly, the answer is that the eyes are a good way of revealing the presence of stomach worms. By examining the colour of the inside of the lower eyelid of a sheep or goat, you can tell how badly the animal is suffering from bloodsucking stomach-worms. Parasitic stomach-worms result in heavy losses in flocks: they make the host animal anaemic, and the paler the colour of the lower eyelid, the more serious is the infestation and the more urgent the need to treat the animal.
A bright red colour of the eyelid indicates either that the animal has few or no worms, or that the sheep or goat has the capacity to tolerate its worms. An almost white eyelid colour is the warning sign of very severe anaemia, as the worms present in the FAMACHA, the simple test for worms stomach are in such numbers that they are draining the animal of its blood. If left untreated, such an animal will soon die.
To see how it’s done please visit this link
We must remember that the raising of the kid/s starts before birth; approximately 72% of the kid’s development takes place in the last 6 weeks of gestation. It is thus very important that the doe is fed accordingly. If the does was on a poor level of nutrition kids that are born will be weak and their chances on survival will not be good. Goats tend to deposit more of their body fat in their body cavity, rather than beneath their skin as most other farm animals do and with milk goats being so fertile and twins and triplets common, space for the digestive system becomes very limited. It is therefore very important that the does are in the right body condition, body condition score of 2.5- 3 is ideal. I recommend that you have your does scanned (ultra sound) if possible and feed according to the number of kids they are expecting. Remember twins and triplets take up a lot of stomach space, leaving very little space for the digestive system.
If the does are too fat or too lean you risk, your does getting pregnancy toxaemia (ketosis).
I recommend that you place the does in a separate enclosure a few days prior to kidding. Especially the does that you know are expecting twins and more. It also makes it easier to decide when to intervene in a case of dystocia (difficult birth). Never intervene to soon, my rule of thumb is, wait at least 1 hours after the water has burst. Always wear gloves and use lots of lubricant I use liquid paraffin.
Ketosis (Pregnancy Toxaemia)
A doe in late pregnancy needs extra energy, as she has to maintain her own body as well as the developing kids in the uterus
Then there is also the risk of Milk fever
Milk fever
After the kid is born, immediately treat the umbilical cord with a disinfectant like Iodine. Allow the does to clean her kid/s, make sure that the kid/s consumes at least 500mm of colostrum in the first 24 hours after birth. If the kid struggle to feed assist it, if the teats are hanging to low or are to big assist by putting colostrum in a bottle and feed with a teat. It is very important to get the sucking reflex going ASAP.
I prefer to leave the kids for at least 3 days with their mother, to make sure that they are strong and have a strong sucking reflex when they are converted to bottle feeding.
Treat the kid like you would treat your own baby. With care, tenderness and superior hygiene must be in place.
Personally I prefer to simulate nature by rather feeding the kids more times per day in smaller quantities. It however needs to be practical under your circumstances.