1.3. Ketosis / Pregnancy Toxaemia in Milk Goats Author: Milk Goat Breeders' Society Date Published: 01 March 2016 Pregnancy Toxaemia/Ketosis is caused by a build up of excess ketones in the blood (urine & milk), due to the incomplete metabolic breakdown of body fat. It occurs in a doe (before or after kidding) because of an inability to consume enough feed to meet her needs. Ketosis can be caused by either too much, or too little grain, or the wrong type of grain and also poor quality hay/forage. Learn more...
1.7. Dairy Goats as Ruminants Author: Milk Goat Breeders' Society Date Published: 09 September 2009 The goat’s stomach has four chambers: 1) the rumen (4-10Litre) in size. 2) the honey-combed reticulum, 3) the omasum, and 4) the abomasum or true stomach. The size relationship of the four chambers changes as the animal grows up. The abomasum gets proportionally smaller. To understand why this happens, let’s consider the function of each compartment and then review the goat’s diet. Learn more...
1.9. Why Goat Milk? Author: George F.W. Haenlein Date Published: 10 April 1997 Why goat milk? This is a critical question for all who are trying to establish a dairy goat business and industry. The value of goat milk in human nutrition has so far received very little factual and academic attention. However, if facts of the role of goat milk in human nutrition can not be identified and promoted, it will be difficult justifying growth of the goat business as an industry next to the dairy cattle business. Learn more...